
Represents one program options. One of more of these can be given to a ProgramOptions object as template arguments.

template Option (
string varName
) {}



The name of the variable that will hold the value of the option. This value represents the default long name of the program option.


The type of this variable

Named optional arguments

A number of named optional arguments can be given to an Option for e.g.:

    Option!("optionName", bool).shortName!"o";

This will create an options object that can parse --optionName and -o on the command line.

The following named optional arguments are available:

<li>shortName: string - the short name for the option <li>longName: string - the long name of the option if different from the variable name <li>defaultValue: T - the default value if not supplied <li>description: string - description for help message <li>environmentVar: string - the name of the envrionemtn var that can set this option if present <li>caseSensitiveLongName: bool - true if long name is case sensitive <li>caseSensitiveShortName: bool - true if short name is case sensitive <li>incremental: bool - true if this option represents an incremental value <li>validator: bool function(T) - a function that will be given the value and must return true if the value is valid <li>seperator: string - the seperator used to parse associative array values <li>parser: T function(string) - a function that must return a T after parsing the string <li>bundleable: bool - true if this short option can be bundled with other short options <li>duplicatePolicy: OptionDuplicatePolicy - what to do when the option is encoutered for a second time
